Making A House A Home






A recurring question that the women I talk with have is, “What is the most important ingredient for a happy home?” I am amazed that they anticipate a deep theological or intricate management strategy to come forth from my lips.  However, my response is generally something like, “the key ingredient, regardless of your marital status to a happy home, is found in 1 Peter 3:4—we are to do whatever is necessary to cultivate ‘the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God.’” Gentle is actually ‘meek or humble’ and quiet describes the character of her action and reaction of her husband and life in general.  Such is precious not only to her husband, but also to God.”(1)  Extensive bible or management strategy study may yield solid facts.  However, the information gleaned is only cold, hard facts if a “gentle and quiet spirit” is not the cornerstone of their application.


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Do you know the birthplace of evangelism?  Since the twenty-first century church has cultivated highly sophisticated procedures and tools for evangelism—training sessions, videos, seminars, manuals, and methodology books—it seems logical that the church was its birthplace.  However, a study of church history reveals it was the home, not the church that served as the center for evangelism in the early expansion of Christianity. 

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A new year is upon you filled with numerous opportunities to deepen your relationship with your heavenly Father and to increase your ability to fulfill the special plan He has just for you!  You have a better opportunity to fulfill that plan if you are spiritually and physically fit.  How are you beginning your this new year—are you approaching it with a solid understanding of the nutritional requirements necessary for spiritual and physical vitality or are you randomly starting it without a deliberate dietary plan? 

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As you approached 2014 were you thinking about changes you wanted to make in your life? Was one of the changes to become more organized? Perhaps frustration immobilized this resolution because you didn’t know where to start.  Perhaps you have already abandoned it.  Did you know that being organized is closely related to how we use our time? I have learned that the use of my time must begin with a spiritual focus rather than strategic management.

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The events on Wall Street in the fall of 2008 reminded us that no investment in this world is ever secure. Regardless of the safeguards and the supposed guarantees, the economic climate can change in an instant.  Like the falling autumn leaves that characterized the season financial portfolios dropped significantly in 2008 leaving individuals of all ages asking the question,

“Does a gruesome lifestyle lie ahead?”  Economic uncertainty can evoke a myriad of negative responses—especially for the individuals whose trust is in money rather than God.  The believer, however, should have an entirely different response if their dollar theology is sound.

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I am delighted to welcome you to “The Art of Homemaking” blog.  It was officially launched following the “Art of Homemaking Conference” that was held on the Southwestern Baptist Seminary’s campus October 25-26 and co-sponsored by the publisher of The Christian Homemaker’s Handbook, Crossway.  It is my prayer that this blog will inspire you to daily focus on making your house a home regardless of your marital status.


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As the days shorten and calendar pages are turned thoughts of holiday celebrations begin to occupy our minds. Amidst your planning may I pose a question—who will comprise your holiday guest list this year?

Before you respond, consider these thoughts:

Holidays can be painful times for those without extended family in the immediate area.

It was October of my eighteenth year of life when my Dad stepped into eternity. As a college freshman I not only had to deal with my own grief, I also was faced with the responsibility of helping my mother adjust to a new lifestyle.

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Are You A Trustworthy Friend?

If an intimate friend were to describe you, would she use the word trustworthy? What would be the basis of her description . . . do you nurture security, love, service, limits, freedom, enjoyment, faith, and encouragement in your relationship? Do you challenge your friend to reach her full potential?1  If so, you have the foundation of being a trustworthy friend.

A brief journey through Scripture reveals the significant impact that trustworthy friends can make on your life.  Friends, according to Scripture  . . .

·refresh one another (Proverbs 11:25).

·greatly influence us (Proverbs 13:20).

·love you enough to share information you don’t want to hear in a way that you can accept it (Proverbs 16:21).

·refuse to entertain the words of a slanderer (Proverbs 16:28).

·are often more loyal than family members (Proverbs 18:24).

·help you to see where you fall short of doing God's will (Proverbs 27:6).

·offer wise counsel because their overriding motive is to seek your long-term good (Proverbs 27:9).

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Of Roses and Friendships


What are the similarities between roses and friendships?  Your first thought may be nothing—yet if you take the time to develop the idea a number of resemblances surface.  Just as the beauty of the unfurling rose remains concealed until it is fully open, so often the loveliness of a friendship remains undiscovered until you create many memories.  Since you have a busy schedule, you will probably not experience the same level of intimacy in each friendship you cultivate. Perhaps the visual image of a budding rose will help you understand the various phases of friendship and assist you in developing realistic friendship expectations.


As with the rose when it is wrapped in its green shroud, the knowledge of your friend is vague at Green Bud phase.  You know who the person is and perhaps some basic information about her.  Our wise heavenly Father brings a variety of temperaments together to sharpen one another in friendships (Proverbs 27:17).  Sometimes the friends will be very similar; other times they will be very different.  Regardless of the temperaments of the ladies, the Green Bud phase begins with respect for one another.  Though one of the ladies will probably need to initiate the relationship, the other can demonstrate that she is available.

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Of Weeds & Friendships


Do you have weeds in your friendship garden?  Perhaps yes, perhaps no; however, in the midst of our multi-tasking we can often overlook them until they begin to dominate.  Since female companionship counters so many of the negative aspects of life, keeps you healthy, and may even add years to your life, it is incredibly important to consistently examine the garden and weed it, if necessary.  This not only helps to modify our own “weedy” behavior but also allows us to graciously assist our friends in understanding their destructive effects on the relationship (Proverbs 27:17; 31:28-29). 

          The most important element in the fight against weeds is to promote the best environment possible for the growth of desirable plants.  Improper watering or fertilization, soil compaction, insect damage, disease, poor drainage, and improper sunlight are all conditions that increase the potential for weed development.1  What is true of the care and maintenance of gardens is equally true in the nurturing of your friendships; relational weeds in the Friendship Garden have the potential of stunting or completely stopping growth.  The book of John teaches that

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